Stings and arrows of a coffeehouse-less neighborhood
According to this site Death by Caffeine, not only will caffeine kill ya, but you can calculate how quickly caffeine will spin you off this mortal coil. But, as W.C. Fields said about a man who drowned in a vat of whiskey, 'oh death, where is thy sting?'.
I've lived in Salemtown for one solid year, and I've wished for a neighborhood coffee joint for approximately one year. Yeah, I know that there is supposed to be a space reserved in Morgan Park Place for a coffee shop and I saw the discussion in Enclave about the 'evil' Starbucks , but at this point, I'd give up my vintage vinyl mono Rolling Stones records for a neighborhood java-joint where 'tall' meant small and baristas brew up potable potions of latte.
I'd much rather neighbor up to Portland Brew or Bongo Java or Kijiji as in think globally purchase coffee locally, but as stated earlier I'm not gonna be picky if someone wanted to venti, vidi, venci in the greater Salemtown/Germantown area.
In fact, I'll repeat my offer that I made to this guy I met who claimed he was thinking of opening a coffeehouse on 6th (in G-town), to wit, I'll work for free for the first month on Saturdays, if you'll PLEASE, PLEASE, hurry it up and open something UP...