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for the birds

This weekend when I was really pissed at mother nature, most of the Bush administration and other slightly more trivial things like the fact that our car CD player went out right in the middle of the new Van Morrison CD (it SWINGS!) which was followed by a salvo of f-bombs (from me) and soothing noises from my wife (sheesh, always putting things in perspective), we saw two hummingbirds hovering at our hummingbird feeder which has been conspicuously underused by h-birds since our move to Salemtown.

These tiny birds faster-than-bullets maneuvering would put any ace helicopter pilot's moves to shame.

I'm thinking that hummingbirds may be the exact opposite of hurricanes in the spectrum of mother nature's world. Little solace to the millions affected by Katrina, but a big reminder to me that grace notes do exist, symbolic of the fact that while we bicker and accuse, many millions of Americans have opened their hearts and wallets to the victims of Katrina.

I still am not happy about that CD player, but I've gotta be reminded from time to time of the somewhat paraphrased words written by a divine hand on the wall of Nebuchadnezzar - 'your stupid ass problems have been weighed in the balance and have been found pretty fricking wanting'. I dedicate this one for the birds who both grace our lives and wake me up.

About me

  • I'm John H
  • From Salemtown, Tennessee, United States
  • Cruising past 50, my wife and I have reared three kids and several dogs. I work for state government and daily conspire to deflate bureacracy.
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