Hey Rummy, was this part of your plan.., or, is war meant to be civil?
According to this story in the English newspaper 'Telegraph'....
This same story stated that Iraqi civilian casualties are now up to 121 per day (on average).
I guess if we stay the course long enough, everybody in Iraq will be dead...hey, if dead people voting is good enough for the folks in Chicago and Memphis, it oughta be good enough for Baghdad!
The most influential moderate Shia leader in Iraq has abandoned attempts to restrain his followers, admitting that there is nothing he can do to prevent the country sliding towards civil war.
This same story stated that Iraqi civilian casualties are now up to 121 per day (on average).
I guess if we stay the course long enough, everybody in Iraq will be dead...hey, if dead people voting is good enough for the folks in Chicago and Memphis, it oughta be good enough for Baghdad!